Imagining how Pokémon combined with crafts, it looks like it will be so much fun. Yep! It has been done in collaboration with POKÉMON X KOGEI. This collaboration involves the Pokémon characters with various materials and skill techniques from 20 famous Japanese artists.The exhibition POKÉMON X KOGEI | Playful Encounters of Pokémon and Japanese Craf...
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Daniel Arsham dropped crystalized Squirtle.

Daniel Arsham dropped crystalized Squirtle.

Sweda is back to design The Piala Presiden 2022 Trophy.

Sweda is back to design The Piala Presiden 2022 Trophy.

Van Gogh's new self-portrait was found behind his artwork

Van Gogh's new self-portrait was found behind his artwork

Shoes as table glass holder.

Shoes as table glass holder.

Sculptures inspired by Brazilian indigenous art.

Sculptures inspired by Brazilian indigenous art.

Wire sculptures by a Melbourne artist

Wire sculptures by a Melbourne artist

This artist takes Kintsugi art to the next level

This artist takes Kintsugi art to the next level

Nichole McLaughlin the fashion genius

Nichole McLaughlin the fashion genius

The haunted driftwood sculptures

The haunted driftwood sculptures

Unique hand-embroidered snack bags

Unique hand-embroidered snack bags

Soft cabinet made out of foam

Soft cabinet made out of foam

Watch out for these guerilla miniatures!

Watch out for these guerilla miniatures!