Our developed rugs

If you have been following us from the start, you must know that we are always developing our rug products.

We started developing because we want to create new innovations, expand our game in the rug world, and prove that rug is essential and can be made into many products.

We are inspired by many things and we see no one hasn’t done these ideas before. We harness our creative resources and try to apply them to our rugs.

These are our innovative products:

Our first developed product here is perfect if you are bored with the basic rugs in your house. We have a new innovation called the glow-in-the-dark rug. 

This rug is made of acrylic wool yarn just like our usual rug. Only the difference is we add a secret material called “Phosphor” into the yarn that can make it glow in the dark.

Apart from making your room look much cooler and more stylish, you will get a luxury vibe from the glow-in-the-dark rug by combining two designs into one!

Move to the next product is a wall display rug. It’s the best choice if you want something different and unique to display photos, skateboard, or even painting. You can also use this wall decoration to control the volume of the room.

The amazing patterns are tufted according to the size of the mirror with the addition of backing material for strength. Using a mirror rug will emphasize the aesthetic impression in your room!

Next, if you wanna try a fun experiment with rugs, a shaggy rug is another option after glow-in-the-dark rugs!

The yarn in this rug is tufted in a unique way by leaving threads to get the long yarns that resemble hair. The rug is fluffy and comfortable. You can request the yarn length of your design as you wish.

Here we have a table and chair rugs that are made according to the shape of the table. The rug is placed on the surface to add the unique and make the table and chair look more beautiful.

Now, we can bring your rug into life with the help of a technology called Augmented Reality. This rug superimposes a computer-generated image using the application Artivive. You will see your rug in a cool way both virtual and real world.

For this one, we were inspired by Faig Ahmed with his melted carpet. We can make any design and add the melting effect. The melted rug creates a unique vibe and aesthetic pleasing for anyone to see.

Here we have Separate rugs which combine two rugs or more into one creating a unique, playful, and creative vibe. The separated part is made according to the shape of your design. You can make like broken-heart rugs, or maybe puzzle rugs.

Last but not least, we have an NFT rug. With the interest in the NFT market having exploded, NFT owners can get so many benefits from it. If you own a digital NFT and still want to bring that into real life, you can now make your NFT into a rug! 

Written by: Fergie Virgiyana
  • Posted at Friday, 29 Apr 2022
  • Category PRODUCTS

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