Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs at Mizuma Art Gallery

Picture source: Yuta Okuda
Using only calculated lines, Yuta Okuda portrays the theme of a Beautiful Food Chain. The "Circulation" exhibition focuses on artworks that fuse the depth value of animals and flowers. Painted the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac into a meaningful chronicle.
Picture source: Yuta Okuda
At the beginning as an artist, began with a precise painting technique composing scrupulously calculated lines to express his signature art style. During the pandemic era, it made him realize that his surrounding is full of the things he had taken for granted which are truly unique and then he began focusing his works on presenting "flowers".
Picture source: Yuta Okuda
Along with his concern to build the "Serendipity" values in terms of "gratitude". Eventually, he wanted to show the manifested feeling of appreciating life through his work to date. From top to bottom of his recent artwork, he represented the binding of twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac and charming colorful flowers.
Picture source: Yuta Okuda
Each animal in the twelve zodiac signs appears to interact with the flowers. The "Circulation" then looks real when the precise color lines overlay, constructing an extensive narrative of a beautiful cycle among living things.

Yuta Okuda's first solo show at Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan is being held for 31 days from January 25 to February 25, 2023.

Written by: Farhan Muhammad
  • Posted at Saturday, 11 Feb 2023
  • Category EXHIBITION

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