M56 Archive Showcase

Picture source: Machine56
A solo exhibition titled "M56 Archive Showcase" by Machine56 has begun on February 14 at Takashi Murakami's art galleries, Kaikai Zingaro and Hidari Zingaro. Machine56 brought the iconic helmets and apparel which are growing the audience from all over the world.
Picture source: Machine56
Machine56 presents futuristic designs with cyberpunk graphics and bold typography influenced by Japanese urban culture. He presents the works at both galleries on Nakano Broadway which is famous as Tokyo's Mecca of subculture.
Picture source: Machine56
M56 Archive Showcase marks the debut solo exhibition of Machine56 and also his first in Japan. He has opened the show on Monday until Tuesday, February 28. In this showcase, Machine56 presented his most valuable collection of aesthetic techwear including M56's cyberpunk helmets, bomber jackets, and demon plate half masks.
Picture source: Machine56
Machine56, also known as Yoga, started as a vector artist based in Bandung, Indonesia. Eventually, he sees the infinite possibilities in other aspects, ideas, and mediums that could be elaborated on in the future. Specifically focusing on aesthetic techwear was profoundly a niche for Machine56 to apply his aesthetic elements and functional design in apparel. All items are produced in high-quality material in a very limited quantity. Inspired by the subculture of the cyberpunk universe, Machine56's creation is closely related to the Japanese otaku culture.
Picture source: Machine56
This solo exhibition is the ideal place to show the best artworks by M56. The figure of Machine56 has also become the representation of an Indonesian artist who has been able to achieve international success. Moreover, in M56 Archive Showcase, visitors can buy the limited edition collection or get it at the official apparel store at Tonari No Zingaro.

Written by: Farhan Muhammad
  • Posted at Monday, 20 Feb 2023
  • Category EXHIBITION

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