Kitowears releasing Fossil-X Jag Runner.

Picture source: Kitowears
The popularity of foam-based clog models is so crazy nowadays and Indiana-based streetwear brand, Kitowares, is joining the hype. The brand announced to launch of its own called Fossil-X Jag Runner. 

What makes this release different than others is that Jag Foams have an upper shape like a jaguar’s skull with Kitowares’ trademarked foam technology, “Fossil-X”, found on the outsole.
Kitowears claimed that they were made in the same factory as YEEZY. However, their product is more durable than materials used in other injection-molded footwear. They named it Fossil-X because it's meant to last forever like a fossil.

The Kitowares Fossil-X Jag Runner will be dropped off on Friday, July 29rd at 5:00 pm Eastern time with a retail price of $98. Interested to buy?

Picture source: Kitowears
Written by: Fergie Virgiyana
  • Posted at Friday, 22 Jul 2022
  • Category FASHION

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