Locarpet Special Edition Pokémon x Naruto

Locarpet is back with new special edition rugs!
Picture source: Locarpet Craft
We combined the two most-popular Anime of all time, Pokémon x Naruto, into one rug to create fun and creative concepts. This rug series will have famous characters from each anime like Akatsuki Gengar, Jiraiyasaur, Itachi Gengar, Uchiha Charmander, Uzumaki Squirtle, and last but not least Akatsuki Gastly with a glow-in-the-dark effect.

The best part of our special edition of Pokémon x Naruto is that each design of your rug will be equipped with a technological feature called Augmented Reality. This will bring you to a real virtual world. Your rugs become alive and realistic with moving animation!

These rugs came in three different sizes with a bonus sticker pack and keychain. Now you can purchase them through Instagram DM and the website of Locarpet.

Written by: Fergie Virgiyana
  • Posted at Tuesday, 19 Jul 2022
  • Category PRODUCTS

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