Can you handle these hand made creeps?

Picture source: Pixie Blood
Taking care of plants does require patience, plus you have to choose the right planters so that plants can grow well. If you are looking for creative ways to spread some plants around your house, we have some creepy-fun planters for y’all plant moms and dads!
Picture source: Pixie Blood
Meet the Vancouver-based sculptor Pixie Blood who likes to make planter sculptures. Her artworks are mostly of creepy-cute faces that are mixed with piercings as accessories. She also mentioned that they’re waterproof, non-porous, and non-food safe.
Picture source: Pixie Blood
Great for planting small plants and perfect as a Halloween gift for your friends or family who love plants!

Written by: Fergie Virgiyana
  • Posted at Tuesday, 23 Aug 2022
  • Category ART & CRAFT

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