Don’t worry these aren’t stains! The streetwear brand Bandulu which is based in Boston is known for upcycling vintage clothes and adding embroidered paint splatter patterns signature. PIcture source: BanduluBandulu takes quality, vintage clothing and rejuvenates life into them through hand embellishments. With this creative idea and beautiful craftsmanship, they are also expanding products through sneakers, tote bags, and jeans.
Picture source: Melissa MeierA mask not only tells the exact meaning behind the expression but also requires a deep understanding of the complex eleme...
Picture source: Studio Dewi van de KlompSome of you might get mixed feelings when you see this soft cabinet made by the Dutch artist, Dewi van de Klom...
Picture source: Daniele LanzaAn Italian-based Daniele Lanza has been interested in drawing which led him to study graphics and illustration. His caree...
Picture source: Vogue KoreaMaybe some people would consider this trash, but a Korean designer Gyuhan Lee transformed Nike boxes and Mcdonald's paper b...