Picture source: Clara FoscaMeet Clara Fosca, a versatile artist from Barcelona, Spain. She developed her art style along with her new creative skills and a combination of illustration and street art. Picture source: Clara FoscaHer artworks are mostly inspired by human temperament and the interaction among people, shapes, colors, and surrounding nature. Inspiration comes from her living journey and experiences among societies. Currently, she focused on painting aesthetic female forms.
Moreover, she applied painting styles that are mostly generated from the complexity of vivid colors and the transcendent fusion of natural shapes. Sometimes her works mixed with surreal and movement compositions. Travel the world helped her to compile all the inspiration in her artworks. Connecting the stories, particular figures, and signature patterns into amazing street art.Picture source: Clara FoscaPut your eyes deeper on this mural! The combination of a female figure and graffiti-style typography encodes a specific moral value. Sometimes her mural was embellished with art movements, spreading the message of peace, love, and humanity through forms of female in a visual medium.
Discover more of her wonderful mural only on her Instagram!
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