Traditional music from Indonesia

Indonesian traditional musical instruments are musical instruments that have been passed down from generation to generation and developed in certain areas. That way, it is proof that Indonesia has diverse assets. In indigenous peoples, traditional musical instruments usually have 3 functions, including:

- Use as for traditional ceremonies which have been held for generations.
- Used for background music for local art performances.
- Used as expression, creation, and even communication.

Indonesia has a variety of unique traditional musical instruments which will not be found in other countries. Some of Indonesia's traditional musical instruments have been known internationally. 

What are those musical instruments? This article will tell you some of the Indonesian musical instruments that have spread and are well known throughout the world.

1. Angklung
Picture source: Shutterstock
It’s one of the traditional musical instruments from West Java that has gone international. Angklung is a musical instrument made of bamboo halves that are arranged so that when you shake it will create a distinctive tone. UNESCO has recognized Angklung as a "World Cultural Heritage" which has become an attraction for foreign tourists.

2. Sasando

Picture source: Wikipedia
Sasando has been used in Rote, East Nusa Tenggara since the 7th century. This traditional NTT musical instrument is in the form of a wire and is played by plucking the strings. Sasando is unique because it’s shaped like a long tube made of bamboo. This led the sasando to become a traditional Indonesian musical instrument that received an award from (UNESCO).

3. Gamelan
Picture source: Wikipedia
Gamelan is a combination of several traditional Indonesian musical instruments played simultaneously, consisting of gongs, xylophone, saron, kenong, and others. Since 2014, this traditional Javanese, Sundanese, Balinese and Lombok musical instrument has been recognized by UNESCO. Gamelan art education has also been held in several countries, such as the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

4 Kolintang
Picture source: Kemenkeu Indonesia
Kolintang is a traditional musical instrument from North Sulawesi which is usually used to accompany traditional ceremonies to honor ancestral spirits. In 2019, kolintang was played by 1,223 people and finally broke the world record. Along with the development of the times, the function of kolintang shifted to the creative industry, such as being an accompaniment to traditional songs, traditional dance accompaniments, and even orchestras.

5. Tifa
Picture source: Cinta
Tifa is traditional musical instrument from Maluku and Papua. It looks like a tube that covered in cow skin. Usually, tifa is played during traditional ceremonies, accompanying traditional Indonesian dances and traditional music performances. Based on the type, tifa is divided into tifa jekir, basic, bass, and cut.

Written by: Fergie Virgiyana
  • Posted at Monday, 11 Jul 2022

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